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Your custom brand analysis and design to transform perception, purpose and competive positioning

NASA launches polar launch operations from Kodiak Island in Alaska because of its wide spaces and unobstructed flight paths. In other words: Vision. We’ll help you see what’s possible.

Not Really Rocket Science helped us turn our business into a brand. We had an outdated market presence, no digital marketing really at all, and no clear direction. Not Really Rocket Science modernized us. We have a look we love, a presence we’re really proud of, and a website that has dramatically changed our sales funnels and how we think about lead generation.

Alicia MBA

Client happy with the creativity of Chris Bintliff from Not Really Rocket Science


You’re not sure how to define your brand. Which means your customers can’t either.


Your unsure how the market sees you

You might know how you’d like to be seen, but perception is reality for your customers. What you’re projecting might not always be landing as you hope or intend.


You're confused what "brand" is

Here’s what brand is not: Your logo, pithy vision statement, suite of products or tone of voice used in your marketing materials. Yet all of those things are connected to your brand. Brand is symbiotic with emotion, the currency of marketing.


Nobody in your business can agree on what you agree on

If you asked five different people “what is our brand,” you’d get five different answers. Imagine the different customer experiences on the other end of those different ideas.


There's consistent inconsistency

At best, you lack standards for how to articulate your brand. At worst, different people in your company are off doing different things, independent of each other or a cohesive structure. 


You don’t know what you don’t know

Branding is a mix of education, representation, inspiration and application. Customers will experience your brand differently, depending on what they’re seeking from you. How do you respond?


Imagine a shared, consistent understanding of what your brand is and how it’s expressed. Within your company and outside to your market.


Imagine having a baseline understanding

Of the strength of your visual assets, consistency of utilization, and connectedness of your people, products, and personality. Knowing where you are is the first step to knowing where to go.


Imagine rediscovering your brand, together

Key stakeholders in your company will come together for a brand-building workshop on how leaders should think about their brand and its importance. Together we’ll design a shared vocabulary on what your unique brand is.


Imagine knowing how you compare

To your competition, industry norms, and other admired brands. Realize where your best opportunities are.


Imagine customer consistency and ideal impact

Every customer along every touchpoint has a unique perception of your brand. Sameness isn’t necessary with a brand, but consistency is. Understand your customer’s journey better and create an intentional experience along the way.


Imagine a breathing brand

Giving a brand “breath” is what we call connecting the intellectual effort to a sensory experience – bringing your brand to life. Part of your customized brand builder can include logo or visual refresh, colors and fonts, messaging, best practices or brand guides, collateral redesign and more. Reflect your brand with video, motion graphics, podcasts and more.



My name is Chris Bintliff

  • I’m a seasoned career digitalist who’s helped companies like yours and brands we’ve all heard of make their marketing more meaningful.
  • I’ve helped businesses like yours develop measurable (often dramatic!) business impact as a result of better, smarter digital marketing.
  • My strategic, tactical, and creative work has won awards and won customers


Here’s how it works and what you get

Brand Blastoff is a customizable, immersive experience. The core of it consists of:

  • A workshop with key stakeholders in your company that’s part education and part exploration. At the conclusion, you’ll understand the value of your brand better and have more insights on what your potential is.
  • And audit of existing brand, voice, collateral and usage. This can include your website, sales or pitch decks, advertising, emails and more. For us it’s a reconnaissance mission to understand how your brand is interfacing and performing in the real world.
  • Competitive and affinity analysis that explores other brands your customers are experiencing. This can include your direct competitors, but also brands we identify your customers admire or buy from. How you stack up against others is important to how your brand is perceived by others.
  • Analysis and recommendations for better branding and utilization. Among your deliverables will be a video walkthrough and pdfs documenting where we identify areas of concern or confusion, ways to strengthen your branding, and recommendations for a better brand ahead.
  • Optional deliverables can include actionable outcomes like a roadmap for:
    • Brand and collateral design
    • New visual assets designs such as logo, decks, business cards, website, messaging, copywriting and more
    • A brand guide that your entire organization can leverage for consistency.

The entire process takes between 2-6 weeks, sometimes longer depending on deliverables. We’ll figure out specific timelines together as we explore your unique Brand Blastoff.

Own your perception

Build a brand that connects to customers, reflects your vision and transforms your business



The first step is to schedule an conversation together to explore what success for your Brand Blastoff should involve.



  • Agency Creative
  • Website Design
  • Marketing Strategy
  • AttractionEngine
  • CMO

This is easy

A few need-to-knows

I'm concerned about sharing some inner-workings of my business.

Don’t be. Anything you share with me is shared in strict confidence, and I need a complete understanding to make my best, most informed recommendations. I’ve also worked with major brands and their highly secretive product roadmaps; I’ve earned my reputation and longevity in my career by doing things with integrity.

I'm a new business or a start-up. Is this for me?

Yes. Even if you don’t have a long track record of customer experiences or perceptions, the sooner you commit to taking your brand seriously, the sooner your brand will be taken seriously. We may suggest a 6 month and 12 month tune up to refine your brand with real-world experiences as they develop over time.

We've successfully been in business for a really long time. Why is this important?

Many mature companies find success by unknowingly building a brand. This is like sitting on oil you don’t know exists; its wealth and opportunity is lost to you. Brand Blastoff can be transformational for more mature companies in dispelling myths or outdated notions you or your customers have, positioning your company for tomorrow, giving shared vocabularly throughout your company, and intentionally aligning your marketing to branding.

Will we need a new [something] after this? Logo, website, pitch deck, whatever?

Maybe, certainly not necessarily. But you should be unafraid to consider the possibilities. Brand Blastoff is for companies ready to take seriously their connection to customers and how they’re perceived in the marketplace and in their own hallways.





Case Studies

Graphic Design


Motion Graphics